11. January 2023.

6. kup grada Osijeka / 6th Osijek Fencing Cup 2023

Due to overbooking entries are closed !!!

Click here for new timetable and information.






Objava 11.1.2023. / Announcement January 11th, 2023.


Dragi sportski prijatelji,

pozivamo vas na naše šesto međunarodno natjecanje za:

Međunarodni turnir za rang liste HMS-a. (bodovni za kategorije U11, U13, U17, U20, U23 i VET40+ mač)
Europski mlađe kadetski kup (EFC/CEE) za rang listu EFC U14 – mač.

  • MAČ U11 – Djevojčice i dječaci (rođeni 2012. i kasnije)
  • MAČ U13 – Djevojčice i dječaci (rođeni 2010. i kasnije)
  • EFC U14 – Mlađe kadetkinje i kadeti   (rođeni 2009. i kasnije) (bodovni sustav EFC/CEE)
  • MAČ U17 – Kadetkinje i kadeti (rođeni 2006. i kasnije)
  • MAČ U20 – Juniori i juniorke (rođeni od 2003. i kasnije)
  • MAČ U23 – Mlađi seniori i mlađe seniorke (rođeni od 2000. do 23. travnja 2010.)
  • MAČ Veterani i veteranke 40+ (rođeni prije 22. travnja 1983.)

Prema pravilima FIE, natjecanje je u bodovnom sustavu HMS-a i EFC

Očekujemo klubove Hrvatske, Europe i drugih zemalja svijeta. Dolaskom pomažete razvoju mačevanja u ovoj regiji.

Natjecanje će se održati u sportskoj dvorani GRADSKI VRT – Lokacija, pogledajte propozicije.
Pitanja šaljite na email adresu: osijek.fencing.cup@gmail.com

Registrirajte sportaše putem web forme na linku: https://macevanjeosijek.com/registration
Pogledajte zanimljivosti (sekcija ‘rasprava’) na: Facebook

Dobrodošli u Osijek, prijateljski grad, na natjecanje koje će vam ostati dugo vremena u lijepom sjećanju!
Potražite smještaj na vrijeme.

6th International epee fencing tournament Osijek Fencing Cup 2023. – European Fencing Confederation U14 Circuit

Dear sports friends,

We invite you to our sixth international competition for:

International fencing tournament for ranking list of Croatian Fencing Federation (counted for U11, U13, U17, U20, U23 and VET40+ epee)
Euro Fencing circuit (EFC/CEE) for ranking list EFC U14 – epee.

  • EPEE U11 – Girls and boys (born at 2012. and later)
  • EPEE U13 – Girls and boys (born at 2010. and later)
  • EPEE EFC U14 – Younger cadets – girls and boys (born 2009. and later) (EFC/CEE ranking list)
  • EPEE U17 – Cadets – girls and boys (born at 2006. and later)
  • EPEE U20 – Juniors – women and men (born at 2003. and later)
  • EPEE U23 – Younger seniors – women and men (born at 2000. until 23. April 2010.)
  • EPEE VETERANS 40+ – women and men (born before 22. April 1983.)

Epee, according to the rules of the FIE (the competition is in the pointing system of the HMS-Croatian Fencing  Federation and EFC/CEE).

We expect clubs from Croatia, Europe and other countries around the world.
Your attendance and your fencers are helping in the development of fencing sport in this region.

The competition will be held in a City sports hall GRADSKI VRT – Location, you can check the propositions.
Your pre-registration and/or questions, You can send to our email address: osijek.fencing.cup@gmail.com

Register athletes via the web form on the link: https://macevanjeosijek.com/registration
Take a look for more (in section ‘discussios’) at: Facebook

Welcome to the Osijek, a friendly city and to the competition that will remain for a long time in your memory by its beautiful moments!
Book your accommodation on time.

